French Renaissance Paleography


Pontgibaud,[1] 11 September 1437
Contrat d’échange de propriétés entre Gilbert de La Fayette et Delphine de Bonnabaud
Chicago, Newberry Library, VAULT Case MS 5027


This contract, along with the La Fayette-Langec Contredict, the La Fayette-Langeac Contredict 2/manifest and the Grosse d’un arrêt du maître des requêtes du Parlement de Paris/manifest, _forms part of the dossier of a legal dispute between Jacques de Langeac, _seigneur of Bonnabaud, and his neighbor Louis de La Fayette, seigneur of Pontgibaud, regarding fishing rights on the river Sioule, which ran through the estates of both parties. The legal procedures lasted several months in 1564.

This document was an important piece of evidence establishing historical fishing rights claimed by both parties. The famed Marshall of France, Gilbert de La Fayette, was Louis de La Fayette’s grandfather. Delphine de Bonnabaud’s son, Martin de Chauvigny de Blot, sold the seigneurie of Bonnabaud to Antoine de Langeac in 1465 (a 1478 copy of this sale deed is also found in the court dossier).

The dossier for the 1564 fishing rights dispute is part of a larger collection of documents related to the seigneurie of Bonnabaud, sold by Anne-Joseph-Gilbert-Allyre de Langeac to Amable-Jacques Soubrany de Bénistant in 1787. A large quantity of documents were assembled at the time, including copies of the sale deed, as well as descriptions of the property, lists of tenants, yearly earnings, previous legal disputes, and so forth.

For more documents related to the Langeac family and the seigneurie__ de Bonnabaud, _see the _Vente au profit de Gabriel de Langeac_ and the _Bail à cens de la seigneurie de Bonnabaud_/manifest.
See the 
Lauzanne Family Papers_ for an overview of this significant family archive of thousands of documents held at the Newberry Library.
